
Moving to Florence

I just moved to Florence. I am now member of the DiSIA (Dipartimento di Sistemi, Informatica e Applicazioni). I am very excited of the new adventure. I will teach Programming (Python) to Statisticians and Advanced Algorithms and Graph Mining in the Computer Science Master. I am very grateful to the Department of Computer Science in[…]



I have presented the paper “Listing Subgraphs by Cartesian Decomposition” at MFCS 2018 in Liverpool, joint work with Alessio Conte, Roberto Grossi, Romeo Rizzi, and Luca Versari. It has been a great conference. Below the abstract of our paper. We investigate a decomposition technique for listing problems in graphs and set systems. It is based[…]


Listing Graph Orientations

Our journal paper on “Efficient enumeration of graph orientations with sources” is out on Discrete Applied Mathematics (available online since 24 August 2017). This is the result of the joint work with Alessio, Roberto, and Romeo about listing acyclic or cyclic orientation. An orientation of an undirected graph is obtained by assigning a direction to[…]