Algorithms for Real-World Network Analysis
Real-world Graphs represent real relationships among things, actually millions/billions of things. Designing efficient algorithms able to deal with this huge amount of data is a continuous challenge.
Enumeration Algorithms
As a matter of fact, in the last fifty years a large variety of enumeration problems have been considered, ranging from geometry problems to graph and hypergraph problems, from order and permutation problems to logic problems, and from set problems to string problems. Nevertheless, the research area of enumeration algorithms is still very active and still includes many interesting open problems.
Analysis and Enumeration
Algorithms for Biological Graphs. Click on the image to buy the book.
About Me
Born on June 1985. PhD in Computer Science at University of Florence, advised by Pierluigi Crescenzi. Associate Professor at University of Florence. Formerly Assistant Professor at University of Pisa, working with the group of Roberto Grossi, and Post-doc at the Laboratory of Web Algorithmics of University of Milan. Best Italian PhD Thesis on "Algorithms, Automata, Complexity and Game Theory" 2013 and Best Italian Young Researcher in "Theoretical Computer Science" 2022 awarded by Italian Chapter of the EATCS (European Association for Theoretical Computer Science). Interested in Algorithms and Complexity, Complex Networks analysis, Enumeration Algorithms, Temporal graphs.
Associate Professor at University of Florence, Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni